Seminar series at CCIT

The CCIT holds a Seminar Series, with monthly talks, where we invite exciting scholars from around Denmark and beyond to present their ongoing research at the intersection of Climate and IT. Our goal is to select speakers that might be interesting to the interdisciplinary audience that the CCIT provides and to stimulate conversations on the myriad of different ways in which climate and digital technologies are intertwined.

Our talks will take place at ITU and on Teams between 12-13h, so bring your lunch and get inspired.

The talks are open to students, staff or interested actors from outside ITU. No registration is required.

Upcoming seminars
woman smelling honey in beehive with cityscape in the background

CCIT Seminar: Embracing the Ambivalent Green Transition

In March, the CCIT will be visited by the brilliant Megan Maurer, who is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (KU). She will dive into the fractured nature of experiences around urban nature and nature-bases solutions (NBS) with a talk titled ‘Embracing the Ambivalent Green Transition’. A cultural anthropologist by training, she is interested in interdisciplinary examinations of the relationships among people and plants in cities.



We face inter-related crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and increasing urbanisation and inequality that require immediate action. Nature-based solutions (NBS) offer key contributions to urban green transitions while fitting neatly within existing governance regimes aimed at optimising performance via data-driven technological / infrastructural interventions. As ever more sophisticated forms of data collection and assessment are being used to guide urban NBS planning, design, and implementation, these interventions face resistance from urban residents due to social unacceptability and unjust outcomes, troubling the prospect of an ‘optimal’ outcome. These challenges indicate needs for qualifying different types of data by engaging diverse values of nature and knowledge systems and accounting for the multivalent, lived experience of urban environments. Moreover, they reveal a gap in knowledge regarding the negative contributions of nature (e.g., ecosystems disservices, disvalues of nature)—in particular, how these can be described and assessed across different scales, and how they shape the formation of urban residents’ preferences and practices regarding urban nature and NBS. Drawing together on-going and prospective work in Copenhagen and New York City, I consider the role of spatial-qualitative and place-based methods for identifying ‘the bad things’ in urban nature and residents’ experiences of ambivalence, or the co-occurrence of both positive and negative nature perceptions and experiences. Furthermore, I discuss how the integration of these approaches with other forms of social, spatial, and ecological data through a social-ecological-technological systems analysis can reveal multi-scalar pathways of ambivalent value formation and their role in shaping urban nature preferences and practices. The goal of this analysis is two-fold: (1) to explore methodological possibilities for the integration of large-scale data, participatory digital methods, and ethnographic approaches in research for urban green transitions; and (2) to provide an empirical basis from which to propose a more socially acceptable and just approach to urban NBS planning, design, and management through prioritising living with ambivalence, rather than optimisation.


When? 14/3 from 12.00 – 13.00

Where? 3A08 and online via this link (meeting ID: 369 724 452 811/ password: uq3d4oM3)

Picture credits: Beeing

dark picture with servers on server racks with colourful wires

CCIT Seminar with Prof. Tilmann Rabl: Ecological Efficiency in Database Servers

On March 20th, we are joined by Prof Tilmann Rabl, a professor for database systems at the Hasso Plattner Institute and the University of Potsdam, Germany for the talk: Ecological Efficiency in Database Servers. His research focuses on data processing and management in large scale systems, on modern hardware, and in streaming applications. Besides efficiency improvements, he is interested in making systems and applications friendlier for the environment and society in general.

For the longest time, acquiring new hardware resulted in significant software efficiency gains due to exponential improvements of hardware capabilities. Physical limits in hardware manufacturing have brought former niche designs into standard components, such as multiple cores and specialized circuits. Even with these new designs, hardware improvements are decreasing, while software and applications are still becoming increasingly complex and resource demanding. This trend is pronounced for database systems, which are not the major target for current hardware optimizations.
In this talk, we will discuss hardware and cloud trends and their ecological impact. We will introduce ecological efficiency of database system deployments. We will discuss hardware trends and their impact on database systems. We will look at our research on the design of efficient software architectures and give an outlook on our vision of holistically optimizing the ecological efficiency of database deployments.

Where: 2A08 and online via this link (Meeting ID: 356 576 531 302 / password: Pv6KF6WX)

When: March 20th from 12.00-13.00

Picture credits: Vick Taylor

abstract, aereal view of shallow blue, silvery lakes against a brown, apparently quite bare landscape.

CCIT Seminar with Neil Selwyn: Digital Degrowth ... perhaps *not* the worst idea on the planet?

On April 24th, about a month before his book 'Digital Degrowth' comes out, we are joined by Professor Neil Selwyn (Monash University, Lund University) for a talk titled "Digital degrowth ... perhaps *not* the worst idea on the planet?" Coming from the tech Education angle, Neil has for the past 30 years researched the integration of digital technology into schools, universities and adult learning. He is recognised as a leading international researcher in the area of digital education and is currently working on nationally-funded projects examining the roll-out of educational data and learning analytics, AI technologies, and the changing nature of teachers' digital work.


In 2020, Wired magazine declared degrowth to be ‘the worst idea on the planet’. Three years later, Marc Andreessen called out degrowth as a ‘bad idea’ and an ‘enemy’ to technological progress. Taking inspiration from Andrew Ahern’s observation that ‘degrowth pisses off all the right people’, Neil Selwyn considers what degrowth and post-growth thinking might have to offer those looking to radically break away from the destructive modes of digital excess that have come to define the first few decades of the twenty-first century. In short, this talk considers a deceptively simple question – how might degrowth thinking support ambitions of sustainable, scaled-down and equitable ways of living with digital technologies?

After first sketching out what a philosophy of digital degrowth might look like, this talk will lay out various instances where alternate post-capitalist forms of digital technology are already being realized around the world. It also highlights a range of emerging ideas, innovations and experiments that point to possible future forms of ‘radically sustainable computing’. While we should not be naive about the difficulties of any such change, Neil concludes that solid foundations already are in place from which to establish digital degrowth as a social movement that is locally determined and aligned with a wider societal decoupling from economic growth and capitalist imperatives.

Where: AUD 3 and online via this link (Meeting ID: 338 965 341 88 / password: pE79Gg7g)
When: April 24th from 12.00 – 13.00

Image credits: United States Geographical Survey

Past Seminars
picture of destructed house and flooded streets

CCIT Seminar: Equity in Action’ or Equity Inaction? New Orleans, Digital Technology, and the United States’ National Flood Insurance Program

One more interesting seminar coming your way! On March 5th from 14.00 – 15.00 we are joined by Martin Abott, who will present a talk titled ‘'Equity in Action’ or Equity Inaction? New Orleans, Digital Technology, and the United States’ National Flood Insurance Program, followed as always by a discussion. Martin is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University. His research is focused on how new and emerging technologies and environmental change intersect in the city. Martin holds a Master of Architecture from the University of Technology, Sydney, and a Master of Arts in Political Sociology from Sciences Po Paris.


In this talk, I examine how being flood smart and the notion of equity are reshaping the future of the United States’ National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). After Hurricane Katrina, scholars showed that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster recovery programs favored white communities and deepened racial wealth gaps. To address this inequity, I take up calls to scrutinize the disproportionate impacts of flooding and planning mechanisms that perpetuate inequality. I argue that the label of ‘smart’ and digital technologies associated with it conceal, rather than confront, a long history of inequity in FEMA’s programs. In the NFIP, smartness is mobilized as a rhetorical practice to market and sell flood insurance. Recently, an emerging smart technology called “Risk Rating 2.0: Equity in Action” has transformed flood insurance pricing. While FEMA describes Risk Rating 2.0 as an engine of equity, I show how the rating methodology targets economic fairness only. Social and environmental equity, among other intersections of race, class, and gender, are not factored into the new pricing methodology’s algorithm. As emerging smart technologies reform the NFIP, being flood smart calls into question how and why flooding affects some people more than others.

Where? 2A08 or online via this link (Meeting ID: 358 158 928 651/ password: 6me9gW7L)

When? March 5th from 14.00 – 15.00

Image credits: doosenwhacker

large bricks made out of plastic waste, part of an exhbition on plastic in Singapore. Photo credits to Nick Fewings

CCIT Seminar: Information Environmental Justice: Digital Infrastructures, Data ideologies and Transnational Activism

On Feb 27th, we are visited by Tim Schütz, who has agreed to give a talk whilst he is in town. Tim is a PhD student at University of California Irvine’s Department of Anthropology. Join us either online and offline for an interesting discussion!

In the face of escalating environmental crises, digital infrastructures are becoming critical sites of struggle, mediating how environmental harm is documented, contested, and governed. My research examines how activists, researchers, and affected communities leverage digital tools to counter corporate practices and state neglect in the petrochemical industry. Based on three years of multi-sited ethnographic research in the United States, Taiwan, and Vietnam, my talk explores the development of the Formosa Plastics Global Archive, a digital knowledge commons that supports transnational environmental justice movements. I trace how data ideologies—assumptions about what counts as legitimate knowledge—shape activist strategies and how digital infrastructures can both enable and constrain efforts to make environmental injustices visible. By situating these initiatives within broader debates on digital sustainability and environmental governance, I argue that digital infrastructures are not just technical artifacts but sites of political struggle that shape the possibilities for green transitions. I’ll share insights I’ve gained building the Formosa Plastics Global Archive, while also helping develop the Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography (PECE), an open source platform designed by and for qualitative researchers. 

When? Feb 27th from 10.00 -11.00

Where? 2A08 and online via this link (meeting ID: 358 384 152 998 / password: DS6bJ3Lz)

Photo credits: Nick Fewings

aerial view of green town

CCIT Seminar on the use of open source tools for land use and land cover change monitoring

Join us for a CCIT Seminar on land use change, where we are joined by Maria Sinziiana and two ITU alumni, Aske Meineche and Viktor Due. They present a paper that they have previously presented at the conference SIGSPATIAL in Atlanta, US.



The availability of moderate and high-resolution satellite imagery collections and advancements in large scale cloud computing have created opportunities to develop globally consistent and near real time (NRT) land use and land cover (LULC) classification products. Such products have in turn facilitated the monitoring of land use and land cover change (LULCC) at a much larger scale than before. This is essential in understanding and analysing the competition for space in the context of a rapidly growing population, increasing standard of living, and a strained ecosystem. Several studies pointed towards inaccuracies and spatial and typology bias in LULC classification products. In this paper we investigate the feasibility of utilizing publicly available, pretrained models for LULCC analysis. We describe a framework for large scale analysis that allows incorporating diverse sources of data and we discuss a case study of quantifying LULCC driven by green energy infrastructure expansion. We introduce the concept of Rapid Change Sequences which can be used to improve classification accuracy. Lastly, we propose a method to produce vector embeddings of the LULC change graph, which is the first tool to allow cross country comparisons of land use change dynamics.

When? Feb 25th from 12.00-13.00

Where? 2A08 or online (Meeting ID: 373 365 939 245 / Password: kS92Xd7y)

Picture credits: Nicolas van Leekwijck

Picture of a closed bar with Euskadi text

CCIT Seminar: Ekhilur and Money for Life

Time to discuss degrowth! Join us for this interesting seminar, where Florencia Radeljak, PhD student from the University of Lund, will present an ethnography of a local, digital money network in the Basque Country, Spain.


Actor Network Theory (ANT)-oriented scholars explore how associations evolve between material and semiotic elements in networks, but critical debates on digital money and sustainability show ANT fails to consider more political questions and a calls for collective action, understood as the project of assembling new entities not yet gathered (Latour, 2005). In the presentation I will explore what connections allow the enactment of degrowth principles in digital money. Degrowth is an economic, ecological and socio-cultural challenge decolonizing Western cultural representations of ‘growth’ and ‘development’, and the institutions, values and practices that derive from these cultural paradigms. I use concepts from ANT and Design for the Pluriverse to explore how a community in the Basque Country (Spain) is designing a digital payment system called Ekhilur, aimed at fostering a socio-ecological transition aligned with degrowth principles. Using a qualitative methodology that consisted of five days of participant observation and five in-deph interviews with the members of the system’s governing body, I identify the main characteristics of the digital money, and the connections between the different elements in the money network. I highlight the emergent processes of the system and reflect on the money’s digital nature in relation to the scalability of the project. The discussion contributes to the broader debate on the complex relationship between money, technology, and sustainability, emphasizing the importance of politicizing the networks that underpin digital money to advance a sustainability model centered on collective interests.

Where? 3A08 or online here (Meeting ID: 343 021 854 828/ Password: dH7XR3zB)

When? February 17th, 10.00 - 11.00

Picture credits: Nico Bermudez

picture of two tiny people looking at a large financial mote, standing on a rock with a blurry purple flower to the left

CCIT Seminar: Valuing energy and nature in bureaucratic practice

Join us for our exciting Valentine's Day Seminar – Valuing energy and nature in bureaucratic practice – with Ask Johansen (AAU).

Ask is a Postdoc at the department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University and has worked extensively on valuation with regards to the green transition.


To sufficiently respond to climate change and environmental degradation, governing bodies need to value natural resources and environments differently. This is a guiding intuition for my research on the role of the bureaucracy in 'green transitions'. In this talk I engage with how municipal and state bureaucracies experiment with formats for valuing nature. The notion of bureaucracy evokes a sense of rigidity, and scholars have in various ways described how decision making processes in many states are dominated by neoclassical economic reasoning. Such reasoning takes value as natural given and thus limits how bureaucracies may modify valuing practices. But bureaucracies in practice are also sites of continuous change, experimentation, and adaptation, where multiple voices and reasonings circulate. Drawing on ethnographic work in urban- and energy planning offices in Denmark, I describe how nature is valued differently through various tools such as energy system models, stakeholder consultation formats, spreadsheets, reports and policy documents, and GIS data. Taking bureaucratic practice as material, fluid, multiple, and deeply involved in the enactment of value, opens an interesting space for research on and intervention in how nature is valued -- but the intervention part is tricky! So I will end with some reflections on my limited successes in that regard and hope for an engaged discussion.

When? 14/2 from 12.00 – 13.00

Where? 3A08 or online via this link (meeting ID: 355 973 782 678 / password: F3Uo7vy6)

Picture Credits: Claus Jensen

picture of climate protest

CCIT Seminar: Activist's Trade-off: Climate Disruption Buys Salience at a Cost

Join us for the first CCIT seminar of the new year, titled The Activist's Trade-off: Climate Disruption Buys Salience at a Cost. We welcome Clara Vandeweerdt, who is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science at UCPH, and part of SODAS Climate (Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science).

Disruptive non-violent protest in the name of climate action is on the rise, with more and more movements turning to non-normative actions in the hopes of creating policy change. So far, research has found mixed results regarding the effects of disruptive tactics on public opinion. In this talk, I will introduce the first study to measure effects on salience (awareness of climate change as a problem) side by side with other policy-relevant climate attitudes. In two experiments embedded in public opinion surveys, I expose participants in Denmark and the UK to real-world media content showing climate protesters blocking a road and disrupting a sporting event. I confirm the existence of an activist's dilemma: actions that increase issue salience (by getting climate stories in the media) also have small backlash effects on their message. In the second half of the talk, I will discuss a planned follow-up experiment that uses dozens of different media articles about disruptive climate protest, in the hopes of disentangling what makes for a persuasive protest.

When? 28/01 from 12.00-13.00
Where? 3A08 and online via this link (meeting ID: 344 046 131 92/ Passcode: XBmuuS).

Picture credits: Nick Fewings

picture of motherboard of computer

CCIT Seminar: Mitigating Climate Change with In-Network Sustainable Computing in Power Systems

Please join us in November for an interesting talk titled Mitigating Climate Change with In-Network Sustainable Computing in Power Systems! This talk will be offered to us by Subham Sahoo, Assistant Professor at the Department of Energy at Aalborg University. He is also the vice-leader of the research group on Reliability of Power Electronic Converters (ReliaPEC) and has previously been employed as a postdoc in NUS Singapore and has had visiting appointments with MIT and University of Edinburgh over the years.


The explosive demand of AI has pushed electric power systems to their tipping point by outpacing the construction of renewable energy infrastructure. As with many large-scale technology-induced shifts, the current trajectory of (Gen-)AI, with every 1000x increase in its size leading to an improvement of model quality merely by 3%, neglects consideration of negative environmental effects alongside its perceived benefits. Limited regulatory oversight further aggravates this crisis.Going beyond carbon-aware demand management, this seminar will introduce in-network computing performed sustainably, where we will leverage neuromorphic computing principles executed at each edge on a large-scale power systems network. By doing so, we can offload model development and training of AI to be carried out naturally in power systems circuits instead of digital executions that mandate dedicated electric sourcing, cabling and network infrastructure.
This seminar will start with a pedagogic illustration of the fundamentals (in layman terms), key concepts and design theory from the field of computational neuroscience and power systems. Finally, the key theories of in-network computing with its direct and indirect computing-related impact will be discussed in detail.

When? November 12th from 11.00 – 12.00

Where? In 3A08 or online via this link (meeting ID: 340 971 214 383 /passcode: HybTDF)

Picture credits: Nicolas Thomas

close up of bark

CCIT Seminar: An introduction to Carbon 110

Join us on October 8th, where we invite Claus Beier to discuss the use of CCUS (Carbon capture, utilisation and storage) in tackling the climate crisis. Claus Beier is a Professor at the department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at the University of Copenhagen.

Prof. Claus Beier will present the report Carbon 110, where he calls for a cohesive and comprehensive carbon strategy from the government. The guide, which was composed by the Akademiet for Tekniske Videnskaber (ATV) with input from key actors from different disciplines, explores the potential of CCUS techniques (Carbon capture, utilization and storage), whilst arguing they are used ‘as little as possible, as much as necessary’.

When? October 8th, 12.00 - 13.00

Where?  IT University of Copenhagen, Room 4A20 or online via this link (meeting ID: 398 588 834 719/ passcode: 9ZvnB3).

Picture credit: Yann Allegre


CCIT Seminar: Probing the value(s) of energy transitions

Join us for the first CCIT Seminar of the semester, where we invite Julia Kirkegaard, Associate Professor at the Department of Wind and Energy Systems at DTU, to give a talk on the values behind energy transitions.


Associate Professor at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, gives a presentation of her research on socio-technical controversies over the transition to renewable energy. Taking outset in her recent grants, the ERC Starting Grant “Good-by-Devicing – probing how value comes to matter in the energy transition” (2024-2028) and her Sapere Aude grant “The Expertise of Expectations, and the case of PtX” (2024-2027), Julia lays out her perspective on how the ‘good’ of energy transitions is construed and contested. Probing what she coins a ‘Sociology of Devicing’, she uses the cases of energy islands and Power-to-X (PtX) to expose the role and agency of powerful valuation devices developed and used by entrenched networks of expertise in orchestrating energy transitions, construing them as ‘good’ in particular ways. Julia critically exposes how essential devices/design tools have agency in determining which values and concerns come to count and matter (and which do not) for our energy future, which often lies at the root of local opposition and public controversy. While exposing entrenched networks of expertise and their agency, her research offers a hopeful account for potential experimentation with re-devicing the energy transition so broader concerns and values can come to matter in how we orchestrate wide-ranging transitions. This renders it possible to think how we could value energy otherwise, enhancing energy justice.

When? September 27th, 10.00-11.00

Where? IT University of Copenhagen, Room 4A20 or online via this link (meeting ID: 370 900 594 21/ passcode: mvao5Y).

Picture credit: Karsten Wurth

Blue and white Image showing symbols of a head full of bolts, CO2 footprint, a tractor, a house, a power plant, electrical measurements, connected by lines

CCIT Seminar: On the Carbon Footprint of Deep Learning

Join us for our next CCIT Seminar where Raghavendra Selvan will give a guest lecture on the sustainability of Deep Learning. Raghavendra Selvan is currently an Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) at Machine Learning (ML) Section, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH).


Deep Learning (DL) has transformed several application domains, including computer vision and natural language processing, with new and exciting possibilities in Artificial Intelligence (AI). These advancements have been enabled, and accelerated, by large scale computations on massive data which also translate into increased energy- and carbon- costs. In this work, we take a look at the carbon footprint of DL across domains, present techniques to quantify it and practices that could improve the environmental sustainability of AI. Further, we will look at the notion of Pareto Sustainable AI which considers the three-way trade off between performance, environmental impact and factors impacting social sustainability (such as safety and fairness). 

When? April 30, 2024, 11:00-12:00 CEST

Where? IT University of Copenhagen, Room 3A18 & online via this link(Meeting ID: 398 213 529 191; Passcode: ZGBpX9)

Digital web-looking image

CCIT Seminar: The planetary, datafication and how do we start regenerating the web of life?

Welcome to the next CCIT Seminar where Kristine Samson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication & Arts, Roskilde University, will give a guest lecture on her research titled: “The planetary, datafication and how do we start regenerating the web of life?


Dipesh Chakrabarty has pointed to the planet as an emergent humanist and existential category. At the same time, the planet is a political orphan and absent from global governance.  And while Earth system sciences are planetary systems pointing to how the planet sustains our lives, it at the same time is dependent on enormous flows of data from measuring tools building on Western epistemologies, and as pointed out by several scholars, an extractive resource management reproducing colonial practices (Crawford, Yusoff). In the presentation I firstly want to discuss the planetary and question the role of datafication by bringing in the many paradoxes related to the planetary and datafication. Secondly, I want to start imagining other planetary futures speculating about how we can start regenerating the web of life from our daily practices. How, for instance, can our ways of producing knowledge at university matter in the regeneration of the web of life? By bringing in the notion of the pluriverse (Escobar, Marisol de la Cadena, Mignolo & Walsh), and by giving earthly examples of reparative and regenerative practices, we will start imagining a planetary future otherwise.

When? March 21, 2024, 12:00-13:00

Where? IT University of Copenhagen, Room 3A18 & online via this link (Meeting ID: 349 031 252 776; Passcode: jXiqxJ)

Traffic, bus, people

CCIT Seminar: The significance of gender for climate friendly transportation

Join us when Professor of Urban Planning, Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Department of Sustainability & Planning, Aalborg University, visits ITU! Malene will give a guest lecture on her research around gender and climate friendly transportation. The lecture is open to all, students, researchers, staff, etc. No sign-up needed. 


While different sectors have successfully limited CO2 emissions in preventing severe climate change, the transportation sector has remained overly static and stands out as even moving in the wrong direction. This sector is, to a high degree, marked by technocratic transport planning and autologic implementation over the last 100 years. Within the mobilities paradigm, transport is researched as a larger system constituting economic, social and cultural aspects of society, and in this tradition, inequalities, for instance, related to gender, stands out as an important aspect for sustainable transitions. The gender inequality in in relation to who is planned for recurs when we look at who is doing the planning:  it is shown that gender norms shape the way we respond, think and act in relations to a specific topic and the workforce in the transportation sector consist of 80% male employees and even fewer women at the top decision level it has an impact.

When? February 5, 2024, 12:00-13:00

Where? IT University of Copenhagen, room 3A18 & Online via this link (Meeting ID: 348 230 099 805, Passcode: zLqSoF)

CCIT Seminar: Realizing Re-generative Futures: from cyborg trees to smarter greener cities.

Dr. Natalie Gulsrud, Associate Professor at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (section Landscape Architecture & Planning), University of Copenhagen, will give a talk on December 12th from 12-13h. The event is open to both staff and students and no registration is required.


We are currently in a moment where society is deeply engaged in understanding the social, economic, and ethical consequences of AI and specifically the rapid advancements of generative AI. Yet critical attention is also deserved to the impacts of AI and generative AI on environmental governance from the urban to the planetary scale. The main aim of this talk is to open a discussion regarding if AI supports or hinders social and ecological resilience. This is done by tracing the development and governance of “smart nature,” and analyzing whose sustainability is prioritized in smart natures and ultimately how the drive for resource optimization is balanced with calls for justice and equity.

This talk draws upon research published in Landscape and Urban Planning, Nature Urban Sustainability, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Springer, and Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability and synthesizes findings from the FORMAS funded VIVA-PLAN project (2019 – 2021) on developing inclusive planning processes for revitalising in-between spaces in residential housing areas for nature conservation, social inclusion and human well-being as well as the NordForsk funded Smarter Greener Cities project (2020 – 2023) which aims to develop and test novel tools and processes for explicitly converging social, ecological, and technological systems (SETS) approaches for improving life in cities.

When? 12/12 from 12h to 13h

Where? Classroom 2A52 and online via this link

CCIT Seminar: Green IT? Extractivism, Energy, and IT

Dr. Emilka Skrzypek, Lecturer at the University of St. Andrews will give a talk on November 27th from 12-13h. The event is open to both staff and students and no registration is required.


Be it renewable energy systems, or digitalisation, technological solutions to climate change are often resource and power intensive. If we want to talk about IT as an element of green transitions, how do we account for the industry’s growing energy demands? And what about the costs and impacts of extractive activities needed to meet the demand for metals required by rapidly expanding IT technology and infrastructure? In this seminar, Dr Emilka Skrzypek from University of St Andrews will consider those questions and take a critical look at some of the claims and terms that feature in conversations about green transitions. 

When? 9/11 from 12h to 13h

Where? Classroom 4A56 and online via this link

CCIT Seminar: Making Carbon Valuable: Relations of Green Capitalism in the Brazilian Amazon

Maron Greenleaf, Assistant professor at the department of Anthropology at University of Dartmouth will give a talk on November 9th from 12-13h. The event is open to both staff and students and no registration is required.


The carbon held in forests has new economic value created in market-based efforts to combat climate change. Individuals, corporations, and other institutions around the world can purchase carbon credits to “offset” their own emissions or otherwise invest in forest carbon—creating a “green” form of capitalism. Yet making forest carbon valuable, I explore, entails not only the standardizing work that other critical scholars have analyzed, but also place-specific relational work that keeps carbon in place in living forests. I explore this work through analysis of a government program in the Brazilian Amazon that made forest carbon—commonly seen as the proper purview of private property—into a public resource redistributed by a nascent environmentally-premised welfare state. In so doing, the talk explores the relations of green capitalism that are reshaping the Brazilian Amazon and other landscapes around the world.

When? 9/11 from 12h to 13h

Where? Auditorium 4 and online via this link 

CCIT Seminar: How 'blue' and 'green' sail together: the link between autonomous navigation and climate change mitigation

Nelson Coelho, Assistant professor at the Centre for Sustainable and Digital Transformation and the Centre for Blue Governance at Aalborg University will give a talk on October 5th at 12. The event is open to both staff and students and no registration is required.

Abstract: Maritime autonomous surface vessels are being designed and tested in various parts of the world, including Denmark. This will eventually lead to a transformation of the shipping industry and reinvent the role of crews and pilots. The introduction of these vessels in the logistics chain incentivizes a renewal of the maritime fleet, bringing about also new propulsion systems with energy efficient engines and different fuel types that are less harmful to the environment. Combining the digitalization of shipping with ecological motivations is a key element in short-sea shipping and inland waterway navigation alternatives that aim at shifting cargo from road to water. It also features in the redevelopment of small and medium-sized port terminals, with the introduction of autonomous vehicles on land that will assist, and eventually replace, dock workers. The talk will present the results of the EU-funded AEGIS project on advanced, efficient, and green waterborne transport systems. This presentation will hopefully prompt reflection on pathways to future collaboration between ITU and AAU on ‘blue tech’ governance.

Where? 3A54 or online via this link.

When? 5/10 from 12h to 13h

CCIT Seminar: Relegitimising the voluntary carbon market: promises of digital monitoring, reporting and verification with Kirstine Lund

This autumn, CCIT is launching its Seminar Series, with at least monthly talks. The talks will happen offline at ITU, but it will also be possible to attend online. Kirstine Lund, Ph.D. Fellow at the department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) at the University of Copenhagen, will kick off the series on september 19th at 12. The event is open to both staff and students and no registration is required.

Abstract: The voluntary carbon market faces a crisis of trust due to accusations of greenwashing, just as companies worldwide increasingly rely on it to achieve their net-zero targets. To tackle these criticisms and rebuild trust, digital technologies are proposed as potential game-changers in the market. Among these technologies, specifically those capable of enhancing and automating monitoring, reporting (MRV) and verification of nature-based carbon projects, are gaining attention. In my research, I explore the emerging visions and imaginaries around digital MRV among stakeholders in the voluntary carbon market. I propose that digital MRV can be characterized as a form of non-disruptive disruption. This means that while digital MRV promise to restore trust in the market, the application of the technologies only addresses a fraction of the criticisms raised against the market. Simultaneously, despite visions of large-scale nature restoration, digital MRV relies on a business model centered on carbon offsetting, thus legitimizing continued emissions, which remains the greatest threat against the stability of ecosystems.

Where? Auditorium 3 or online via this link.

When? 19/9 from 12h to 13h