Interested in how sustainability thinking can be integrated into design practice? Want to get familiar with new methods in Life-centered Design for a better implementation of sustainability through the development of interactive systems?
Join the Center for Climate IT for an interesting, hands-on workshop led by Prof Olga Lange (DHBW Heidenheim), where you will get
- An overview of the transition from Human- to Life-centered Design (LCD)
- An introduction to LCD-Methods for the Design Process
- An opportunity to test the selected methods: Life-centered Design Alignment, Non-Human & Non-User-Personas, Phygital Map
The workshop will take place April 4th from 9.30 - 12.00 in 5A60. Any ITU student is welcome. Staff is welcome too - send an email to ccit@itu.dk to sign up.
Sign up before April 1st via this link: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/jmjYtA6hJA

CCIT Talk Monsters and the more-than-human
On March 10th, the acclaimed Danish author Rasmus Daugbjerg will join us for a talk titled ‘Monsters and the more-than-human’:
What are monsters? In our Western societies, we draw sharp lines between humans and anything or anyone we perceive as less-than-human. We have tended to imagine ourselves as the center of a world revolving around us. The climate crisis has exposed the malicious impacts of this thinking – we as humans are part of large systems with other creatures and entities, and a lot of these dynamics are much less under our control than we had imagined. Rasmus Daugbjerg, along with others, proposes the ‘more-than-human’ as a lens to understand these intricate entanglements. What happens, he asks, when we look at our world and at ourselves from the perspectives of these more-than-humans? What if we give those we have for centuries called ‘monsters’ center stage?
Rasmus Daugbjerg is a Danish writer of fiction. He has graduated from the Swedish school Biskops Arnö and the Danish Academy for Creative Writing. He made his debut in 2021 with the novel The Rumour and his second novel Troll was published the year after. His work is inspired by fairy tales and myths, and he uses these genres as mirrors to investigate questions of nature, climate and biodiversity crisis, ecology, interspecies relationships and monstrous creatures. Rasmus Daugbjerg’s works have been nominated to several prizes including Jørgen Munch-Christensens Debutant Prize, Montanas Litteraturpris, The Karen Blixen Prize and in 2023 he won the Michael Strunge Prize. Daugbjerg has taught creative writing in the psychiatric system and at multiple writing schools. He is currently a Velux writer-in-residence at the H. C. Andersen Center at Southern University of Denmark.
The talk will take place in AUD 4 from 13.00-14.00 and will not live-streamed.

Launch of exhibition Within Limits with Jacob Remin
Over the past 30 years, digital technologies have radically changed how we live our lives. Not only have they penetrated both private and public spheres with promises of efficiency, ease and connection, they also claim to radically reorganise many of society’s grand challenges – from solving climate change, to alleviating poverty, to rebalancing work-life relations. These promises bring with them an imaginary of computational practices as grand endeavours in need of unconstrained resources to satisfy their speed and scale. What they leave out is a host of questions around the type of computation society can live with.
Join Artist Jacob Remin – in collaboration with Associate Professor James Maguire and postdoc Frauke Mennes from the Center for Climate IT at ITU – on March 7th for the launch of Within Limits: an art installation that questions and reimagines the scalar logics inherent in computational worlds.
Grounded in studies on the environmental impact of digital technologies and AI, the installation is an experiment that both provokes questions and proposes new ways of doing computation with constraints. By deploying a solar powered server on ITUs rooftop as a means of constraining computation work, the installation opens up a series of questions around the politics and poetics of computation. For this, Jacob has worked together with Sebastian Büttrich from DASYA lab, Luis Landa Mariaca and Facilities Management.
"We have placed a solar powered computation platform on the roof of ITU”, says Jacob. “While this gesture is seemingly simple, it creates a completely new kind of computation space: A server structure which is located, physical, and within limits. It will be exciting to see what kind of work the students and researchers will do with the server in the future!"
The exhibition will be launched on March 7th from 15.00 – 17.00 in the Atrium of the IT University of Copenhagen and will include a word from the artist and organisers, with space for discussion. Everyone is welcome, no registration needed. After the launch the exhibition will run until the end of April, with a break between March 22nd- 25th. Anyone can come and see the exhibition within ITU’s opening hours.
Supported by Statens Kunstfond.
Photo by Jacob Remin: solar powered server installed on the roof of ITU

CCIT Talk and Student Writing Workshop: The Data Explosion in Sustainability - Challenges and Solutions for Handling Sustainability Data
Interested in Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, and how this is embedded in data infrastructures? Interested in the challenges behind collecting and storing this data? Come join us for our Event ‘The Data Explosion in Sustainability – Challenges and Solutions for handling sustainability data’. Lasse Quorning, Manufacturing Lead at Immeo will give a talk laying out the implications of the sudden data explosion following the legal requirement around ESG reporting from a practitioner’s perspective. Drawing on his own experience as an ESG consultant, he sketches developments in the sector, as well as challenges and opportunities companies experience.
Following the talk we also invite students who are interested in working on ESG reporting in their thesis, BA projects or course projects to a writing workshop. Here faculty will be in attendance to spar about project ideas, as well as facilitate writing exercises to help generate and scope such ideas.
14.00 – 14.45: Talk and Q&A
14.45 – 15.00: Break
15.00 – 16.00: Writing workshop on ESG topics with students
Both the talk and the workshop will take place in 4A22.
Please sign up here if you are attending the writing workshop. You can attend the talk online here (meeting ID: 398 412 399 690/ Passcode: c3Mh6H).
Folkemøde 2024: Will technology be our saviour or our demise?
Friday, June 14, 15:30-16:30, Politiken "lille scene", N11 - Gæsten; Allinge, Bornholm
Panel debate organized in collaboration with ITU Center for Digital Welfare and Politiken.
Technology permeates our lives both in our daily lives but also in the more distant and abstract questions. It is both a source of the crises and for some a potential solution – but inevitably also a backbone of our society and life that we will not give up. The climate crisis fundamentally challenges this situation: research points out, for example, that digitalization, rather than being resource-free, requires large amounts of electricity, water and rare minerals. In this span between utopia and dystopia, how can we create the opportunity to think about the good life with technology – and how can we help influence a more caring development, across the mental, social and environmental ecologies?
Meet the panelists:
- Rune Baastrup CEO, Democracy X
- Astrid Haug, CEO & Digital Advisor, Astrid Haug Bureau
- Bent Dalager, Partner and Head of Innovation & New Tech, KPMG/ATV
- Oliver Anton Lunow Nielsen, Policy & Partnerships, Thinktank Equalis
- Jonas Fritsch, Associate Professor, Digital Design, IT University of CPH
- Jonas Pröschold (moderator), journalist, Politiken
The event is in Danish.
Read more about the event here: Bliver teknologi vores redning eller undergang? | Folkemødet (folkemoedet.dk)

Panel discussion: How can universities, researchers and urban actors collaborate on local green transition initiatives?
Are you passionate about green transition and the role universities, researchers and urban actors play in it? Then join the ITU Center for Climate IT on May 14, when we welcome the center’s advisors to ITU to discuss how universities, researchers and urban actors can collaborate to promote local green transition initiatives. Together we will spark debate and inspiration on how ITU can become an active player in the green agenda and catalyze green transition initiatives together with local urban actors.
Meet the panelists:
- Eli Blevis, Professor of Informatics in Human-Computer Interaction Design, Indiana University.
- Dr. Shunying An Blevis, PhD in Informatics at Indiana University.
- Jennifer Gabrys, Chair of Media, Culture & Environment at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge.
- Danielle Wilde, Professor of Design for Sustainability at Umeå Institue of Design, Umeå University.
- Jonas Fritsch (moderator), Associate Professor, Digital Design, IT University of CPH.
The event is open to all!
When: May 14, 2024, 10:00-11:30
Where: IT University of CPH, Rued Langårds vej 7, 2300 CPH S, Auditorium 3 (2nd floor)
The event is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Data-driven products to fight climate change feat. Olivier Corradi
When? 29/11 from 16-17h
Where? Scrollbar
Been wondering how you can use your degree to contribute to the struggle against climate change?
The center for Climate IT invites you this talk by Olivier Corradi, CEO of Electricity Maps. Olivier will describe his journey building data-driven products for climate impact, which led to the founding of Electricity Maps, one of the most prominent data intelligence platforms for electricity decarbonisation. Electricity Maps is used, for example, by Google to shift the timing of compute tasks running on their hyperscale data centers to times when low-carbon power sources, like wind and solar, are most plentiful.
After the talk, there will be space for questions and discussion.

Communicating Scientific Testimony: Mikkel Gerken's Presentation in May
In May, Mikkel Gerken, a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern Denmark, led an insightful talk centered around "Communicating Scientific Testimony". With the prevalence of science scepticism in relation to climate change in some areas of contemporary society, Gerken's discussion was particularly relevant. He navigated the tricky landscape of indicating epistemic uncertainty in public scientific testimony and how this can sometimes unintentionally feed into science scepticism. Drawing upon a wealth of empirical literature on uncertainty communication, Gerken pieced together a communication strategy that he believes balances effectively conveying scientific uncertainty while maintaining public trust and understanding.

Across the Layers: Scientific Knowledge Production, Planetary Resources, and Data Centres
The RustLab at Ruhr University in Bochum is holding a running online workshop entitled "Across the Layers: Scientific Knowledge Production, Planetary Resources, and Data Centres" from 20 February to 13 March. Speakers will address questions like:
- What are the material impacts of scientific data practices on the planet?
- In what ways are data centres related to planetary resources and scientific knowledge production?
- How can we think about IT infrastructures as both epistemic and planetary?
- How do we as scholars deal with and conceptualise our knowledge production as a material and planetary factor?
The Center for Climate IT's Deputy Head of Center Associate Professor James Maguire will be giving a talk entitled "Eco-Tech Imaginaries: Data, Resources, and Future Colonialisms" on 13 March from 16.00-17.00 via Zoom. The talk will revolve around the work of the bio-tech collective Grow Your Own Cloud (GYOC) which, in response to the call for more localised, collectivised, and sustainable digital infrastructures, has produced a series of speculative prototypes that chart the design pathways for storing data in DNA (plants, flowers, forests). Furthermore, Maguire till explore the role of speculative methodologies in imagining more desirable climate futures while engaging critically with the ethical implications of such work.
Anyone is welcome to listen to the talks via Zoom. Zoom link, list of speakers, and abstracts available here.

Big Earth Observation Data Analytics and Bioeconomy in the Brazilian Amazon
On 20 April from 13-14, Antonio Miguel V. Monteiro will gave an online talk hosted by the CCIT, the DecouplingIT project, and the Amazônia 4.0 project, in which he will address his current project on Big Earth observation data analytics and bioeconomy in the Brazilian Amazon as well as the dynamics of the agrarian economy in the context of an urbanized forest. Monteiro is a senior researcher at INPE (the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research) and holds a DPhil in Electronic Engineering and Control/Computer Science from the University of Sussex (1993). His research involves the development of geographically aware methods oriented to bridging the gap between research and services in public health programs and urban planning.

Living in 3D: Decarbonization, Decoupling, and Degrowth
On Thursday February 23, Dominic Boyer gave a talk entitled "Living in 3D: Decarbonization, Decoupling, and Degrowth". Boyer is a Professor at the Department of Anthropology at Rice University. His research focuses on the study of energy, climate, politics, and society. He recently completed a field research project on the political culture of wind power development in Southern Mexico and is currently researching competing models of electricity provision and their social implications in Europe, the United States, and Latin America. Professor Boyer will be in Copenhagen due to his role as an advisory board member of the Decoupling IT project.
In this talk, I discuss the evolution of the high energy growth paradigm of northern modernity through the overlapping energy regimes of new world plantations (sucropolitics), machinic industrialism (carbopolitics) and plastic mobilization (petropolitics) to help identify some of the key areas of intervention for what I term “decompositional politics” (Boyer 2023). Then I turn to a discussion of three key frontlines of decompositional politics today: decarbonization (decomposing the sucro/carbo/petrostate), degrowth (decomposing habits and systems of productivity-for-its-own-sake) and decoupling, which is, in many respects, the most paradoxical and elusive of the three projects. On the face of things, decoupling seeks to emancipate high energy modernity from its burden of ecological unsustainability while promising at the same time to justly secure the pleasures and luxuries of high energy modernity for all. It sounds too good to be true and indeed recent studies cast serious doubt on the reality of decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions. Is this simply another seductive petrocultural mirage? Perhaps. But it is intriguing that some of the more persuasive degrowth proponents seem to see decoupling as a real possibility. One striking consonance between decompositional and conventional politics is the belief that a low energy modernity is not only possible but scalable and sustainable.

RESET Climate Café in Analog
The RESET Climate Café is happening on February 23rd from 10-11am, generously hosted by the student driven café Analog. We at RESET would like to survey students' opinions on the IT University's role in the climate crisis. There will be FREE COFFEE for those who contribute with their thoughts about education at ITU and the climate crisis by participating in either our survey or a short interview. Vice-Chancellor Per Bruun Brockhoff, and RESET editors Associate Professor James Maguire and Postdoc Michael Hockenhull will act as guest barristas. See you there for a coffee and a chat!

PhD Defense: The Role of Human Infrastructure
On 15 February, Hasib Ahsan from the Department of Business IT will defend his PhD thesis entitled:
"The Role of Human Infrastructure: Investigating Digital Interventions in the Global South"
Examination committee:
Associate Professor Pedro Ferreira, IT University of Copenhagen (Chair)
Researcher and Director Jacki O'Neill, Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI)
Professor Andy Dearden, Sheffield Hallam University
Supervisor: Associate Professor Lars Rune Christensen, IT University of Copenhagen
The defense will take place at 1 pm at the IT University of Copenhagen in Auditorium 1, followed by a reception on the first floor of the atrium by the main entrance.
Based on fieldwork in five distinct projects, this thesis investigates the role of human infrastructure in the context of digital interventions in the Global South. The settings are an agriculture voice message service for smallholder farmers in Bangladesh, a climate and agricultural information service associated with weather forecast using phone text messages (SMS) also for farmers in Bangladesh, a for-profit service for farmers in Cambodia using digital applications, a digital mental health intervention for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and a study of the reordering of everyday life through digital technologies in Bangladesh during the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus on human infrastructure is inspired by research within Information & Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Science and Technology Studies (STS) and more.
The findings contribute to research and practice by nuancing the understanding of the role of human infrastructure in digital interventions in the Global South. That is, Ahsan empirically and conceptually extends the discussion by pointing out how human infrastructure may be ‘configured,’ ‘trained’ and ‘unravelled’ in the context of digital interventions in the Global South. The thesis shows how one cannot take the human infrastructure for granted in the sense that it has to be both configured and trained and hence is not simply somehow there. Further, the thesis discusses how a human infrastructure may unravel in the context of digital interventions in the Global South and the consequences this may have for continued service provision. These contributions may be useful for both researchers and practitioners as it adds to our understanding of the key role of human infrastructure in digital interventions in the Global South and elsewhere.

On Monday 13 February, researchers from the Resource-Aware Data Systems project (RAD) are organizing a RAD-day to showcase their research findings. It will take place in Scrollbar at the IT University. More information to follow in this section and on RAD's own website.

PhD Defense: Generation Carbon
On 19 December, Andy Lautrup from the Department of Business IT will defend their PhD thesis entitled:
"Generation Carbon: Loss, goodness and youth climate activism in Norway's oil capital"
Examination committee:
Associate Professor James Maguire, IT University of Copenhagen (Chair)
Associate Professor Gökçe Günel, Rice University
Professor Simone Abram, Durham University
Professor Steffen Dalsgaard, IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor Rachel Douglas-Jones, IT University of Copenhagen
The defense will take place at 1 pm at the IT University of Copenhagen in Auditorium 0, followed by a reception on the first floor of the atrium by the main entrance.
The dissertation is available here.
The dissertation explores generational dynamics of youth climate activism in Norway’s oil capital, Stavanger, and the local and situated dilemmas of phasing out fossil fuels in the context of a welfare society that understands itself as enabled by technologies of oil and gas production. Because carbon emissions from oil and gas and their impact on the global climate are one of the most important defining challenges of this generation of young people – in Lautrup's own opinion and in that of the young Norwegians they met – Lautrup names them ‘Generation Carbon’. In the dissertation, Lautrup focuses on climate activism as one response to the predicament of Stavanger’s Generation Carbon.
Drawing on nine months of in-person and online ethnographic fieldwork, Lautrup demonstrates that climate change in Stavanger is causing experiences of loss, demands for technoscientific facticity, as well as shifts and changes in what is regarded as ‘doing good’. Out of the combination of experiences of loss and attempts to realign with a tradition of Norwegian goodness – encompassing the universalist welfare state, environmentalism and peacebuilding – grows an activism with a particular window of opportunity to act on the experiences of loss through activism.
The central argument Lautrup puts forward in the dissertation is that the oil-saturated social environment of Stavanger produces an activism that works from the theory of change that the future can be refigured through caring for social relations in the present despite radical disagreement. Refiguration is a pivotal way of bringing an undesired future of climate catastrophe back into a shape where it is no longer in jeopardy. This relationship between activism and the future grows out of an implicated and caring activism that acknowledges and works from the premise that it is relationally intertwined with and presently benefits from that which it aims to change.

This December, we are launching the
Center for Climate IT
at the IT University of Copenhagen!
Wednesday 7 December 2022
14.00 to 16.15 – followed by a reception
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Room: Auditorium 1
14.00 Arrival
14.15 Welcome: The vision of the Center for Climate IT by Head of Center Professor Steffen Dalsgaard and Associate Professor James Maguire
14.30 Climate Sustainability in Research and Education at the IT University by Vice-Chancellor Per Bruun Brockhoff
14.45 Climate IT research presentations
“Design as a Matter of Care” by Associate Professor Anna Vallgårda from Digital Design
“Sustainable Mobility and Data-Driven Planning” by PhD Fellow Ane Rahbek Vierø and Associate Professor Michael Szell from Computer Science
“Eco-tech Climate Imaginaries: The Story of DNA Storage” by Associate Professor James Maguire from Business IT
15.15 Break
15.30 Panel discussion on climate and IT featuring Professor Kristian Cedervall Lauta (UCPH), CEO Carolina Benjaminsen (DigitalLead), CEO Olivier Corradi (Electricity Maps), and Director of Science Thomas Bjørnholm (Villum Fonden).
16.15 Reception